Hybrid cars

     Many of Sri Lankan customers have the question that if hybrid battery need to exchanged at every 100,000 km.It is completely wrong information.customer information centers of both Toyota and Honda companies in Japan and those 2 makers confirm that hybrid battery of both Insight and Prius need not to be exchanged unless it is damaged by an accident.Please don't be believe such wrong information and miss the opportunity of owning a futuristic car with better fuel consumption. Further, hybrid vehicles do not need any sort of sophisticated repair or maintenance work. The hybrid car is a product of automobile technological advancement. Many people in Japan use hybrid cars without problems.

  • Government of Sri Lanka made hybrid vehicles exercise duty free and that brings the customs duty and tax rate of such vehicles to 1/3 of that of similar normal cars.  The more longer your car run with 1 l of petrol, the more environmental friendly it is. Save your money & Save planet for future. We truly believe that this is a huge opportunity for Sri Lanka car buyers have futuristic car while saving money. Already hybrid cars are largely popular in Europe, America and Japan.
cheak ready to Import Hybrid cars.........
    Hybrid cars
  • What are hybrid cars? A hybrid vehicle combine an internal combustion engine (petrol or diesel) and one or more electric motors to drive it. Electric motors are driven by power supplied by much advance batteries which again charged by the power supplied by the internal combustion engine while the vehicle is driven by it. As a result overall fuel consumption of the vehicle improves and runs more km with 1 l of petrol.
  • Does hybrid vehicle battery need to be charged from out side? Hybrid vehicles batteries need not to be charged with electricity from outside. Battery is charged by the power supplied by the internal combustion engine while the vehicle is driven by it.

  • Does the hybrid cars need to change the battery? Battery needs not to be replaced like a normal car battery unless it is damaged by an accident etc. Manufactures like Toyota and Honda say that battery is expected to last as long as the car last. However, any battery with aging will lose its capacity of holding electricity charge. Some experts predicts that the hybrid car battery will last at least 15 years though it is not official.
More km. Some hybrid vehicles run as twice km as what other normal petrol engine vehicles run. See below some details of hybrid vehicles available from Japan.

        Why hybrid and electric cars?
      • Global warming and clean air. Fossil fuel is vanishing faster than ever scientist have predicted. Yet, fossil fuels emit CO2 which results in global warming. For example new shape Allion DBA-NZT260 (1500 cc) emits 116 g/km. Where as new shape 2009 Prius DAA-ZVW30 (1800 ) emits only 76 g/km saving 40 g/km of CO2. That is almost 35% and that is enormous.
      • Save money - Save planet. The user average actual fuel consumption of a DBA-NZT260 Allion is 13.6 km/l. Whereas new shape Prius DAA-ZVW30 run 23.2 km/l under actual conditions. (These values are based on popular community website yahoo.co.jp in Japan. These are average values of data provided by its users using respective vehicles.) Thus, owners of hybrid vehicles not only save money with fuel but also help to minimize global warming.